Brand / Model : Thermo Scientific / Nicolet Nexus iS5
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)
Application : To characterize functional groups of organic and inorganic compounds Analysis Range : Wavenumber 650-4000 Description : Powder or Transparent sample, Opacity sample or liquid sample Type of sample : Solid, Liquid, Film
Application : To analyze crystal structure, chemical composition and physical properties of materials and thin films Analysis Range : 5 to 90 degree Description : Wide Angle, Small Angle Type of sample : Sheet, Powder, Film
Application : To analyses the average surface chemistry of a sample up to a depth of approximately 10 nm. This technique quantitatively measures the elemental composition, atomic concentrations and chemical states of elements present at a samples surface Analysis Range : – Description : Wide scan ,Narrow scan ,Depth profile analysis,Catalysts Cell Type of sample : inorganic compounds, metal alloys, semiconductors,polymers, elements, catalysts, glasses, ceramics, paints, papers, inks, woods, plant parts, make-up, teeth, bones, medical implants, bio-materials, coatings, viscous oils, glues, ion-modified materials and many others