The Petroleum and Petrochemical College
Guidelines for Faculty, Staff, Students, and Visitors under an Extraordinary Circumstance as a Result of COVID-19 Infection Outbreaks (No.1)
As it is now evident that the COVID-19 infection has spread widely and
rapidly leading to an increasing number of persons at risk of being infected. The
PPC is extremely concerned about the health and well-being of its students and
staff members and therefore to ensure that the University be able to proceed with
orderliness and efficiency accordingly, the PPC hereby announces the following
1. Entering the Building
1.1 For faculty, staff, and students, daily temperature check and hand
sanitization with alcohol gel shall be done prior to entering the
building at the PPC building entrance.
1.2 For PETROMAT staff and TOP-PPC Lab members, the daily
temperature check and hand sanitization with alcohol gel shall also
be done prior to entering the building at the PPC building entrance.
For visitors, follow the guidelines No. 1.3 and 1.4.
1.3 For staff/students family members, the daily temperature check
shall be done prior to entering the building by having PPC staff
accompanying. Hand sanitization shall be done before entering the
1.4 For general visitors
1.4.1 Messengers from companies are not allowed entering the
building. PPC’s Procurement staff or responsible persons shall
contact the company for arranging the pick-up/drop off
documents/goods at the designated area on the ground floor
1.4.2 For delivery messengers with heavy goods, procurement staff
or responsible persons needs to accompany the messengers
until the goods are set-up at the designated area. Temperature
test, and hand sanitization shall be done prior to entering the
building. In this case, mask must be worn at all time in the
1.4.3 For invited visitors, hosts shall inform their visitors about
COVID-19 screening survey at the PPC (attachment) on the
day of visit. The host shall accompany the visitor at the entrance. Hand sanitization shall be done prior to entering the
2. Cleaning
The PPC together with the Metallurgy Research Institute (MRI)
schedules the cleaning of doors, lavatory door knobs, lifts, hourly from
8.00-16.00 hrs. The PPC provides hand sanitizing gel on every floor
3.1 To avoid the crowded transportation during rush hours, the flexible
working hours are granted from 7.00 – 10.00 hrs on the conditions
that the work efficiency and results are maintained. The choice of
working hours must be informed to the HR staff.
3.2 If urgency or necessity, Dean or the supervising Associate Dean is
authorized to give orders to a staff-member to be at the office.
4. Teaching Courses
As the University announces that all courses and instruction be offered
online, faculty members shall learn how to instruct online via programs
or applications. Faculty members shall inform Academic affairs if they
need help communicating with students. Students need to keep updating
for the announcement by the instructors and/or Academic Affairs.
5. Research.
To keep the research being in the progress, the students/postdocs shall
do research with extensive cautions to protect him/herself and others by
wearing masks, and putting on gloves during the uses of the sharing
instrument and equipment.
6. General Guidelines
6.1 Organizing or attending group activities either among PPC members
or friends outside shall be avoided.
6.2 Take care of oneself by following the guidelines of Department of
Disease Control, Ministry of Health. Avoid risky environments e.g.
contact with a person who has just came from a COVID-19
widespread country.
6.3 If one finds out that he/she has symptoms or has been in the place(s)
where or with the people who are reported for COVID-19, the report
to Dean via Associate Dean for Administrative Affairs (for faculty
and staff) or the report to Dean via thesis advisors (for students) has
to be done immediately. Self-quarantine for 14 days shall be done at
the very first step.
6.4 Faculty, staff, students shall learn how to use softwares to work/study
from home to be ready if the situation do not allow working at the
College. If necessary, faculty and staff may borrow computer from
the PPC after having approval from Dean.
6.5 Faculty, staff, students shall follow news and information from
faculty/staff group LINE, student group LINE (PPC Society), and
the PPC’s Facebook.
7. Where difficulty arises from implementing the guidelines under this
announcement, Dean shall have the discretion to resolve the situation
as appropriate.
These guidelines shall be taken into effect from now onwards.
Announced on 16 March 2020
(Professor Suwabun Chirachanchai)